Day: 82 "Zombie Killer":
I have reevaluated the pace of this awesome artistic endeavor and have found that, despite how excellent it has been and how much I have grown, trying to do a painting a day has been detrimental, instead of instrumental, to my achieving certain goals that need to take precedence right now. I’m by no means done, but I need to slow down.
I’ve had a chance to play with paint again and try some new approaches and color schemes. Most of all, I’ve grow as a photo montage artist and have some new samples for my portfolio. I also have a new body of work that I own and can build off of.
Just like a business venture, you try something, evaluate its progress, and make adjustments as you see fit. It’s time for an adjustment.
The project has reignited my passion for making art, and I am far from stopping. The daily commitment is what has to change. Instead of helping my goals, it has been hindering them. One of which, is my number one goal to work on my novel every day. I found that I was not writing, just so I can get a painting done each day. Worrying about a painting a day has also taken valuable time away from job hunting in new markets, private commissions I have booked, exercising, and time with my honey.
I am so grateful to all of you who have been following the series, made comments, given me encouragement, and bought some of the art.
The paintings I’ve done so far are still for sale: as are other goodies at my website, including my book Blood Rituals: The Art of Tom Baxa.
I have agonized over this decision, but for now I think the right choice is to step back and focus on some other critical goals. I do intend on filling up the 99 slots though, just on an extended timeline. I zig and I zag and I keep moving forward. - Tom