Saturday, January 8, 2011

99 Paintings: DAY 34

Day: 34 "Jacked In": 
Another photo montage piece.  My original concept was to have a slug wrapped in all kinds of leather bindings and studded collars.  I started down that road and it was kinda ridiculous.  I was actually quite scared - things were not coming together.  But I've done enough pieces of art to TRUST that it would.  And it did.  Laying in texture fields for the background and over the whole image helps solidify things a lot and lays a foundation for a more cohesive piece.

I spent a lot of time compositing a slug that was a bit different and looked real.  Then when I laid the wires in, the cyber element appeared and made it cool.  I put the wires in at first because I was going to have the slug suspened from the ceiling and the sides, but after these messy wires went in, I didn't feel the need to do a realistic hanging from hooks thing.  Believe it or not, I did very little manipulation or addition to the two scramble wire textures.  They just suddenly fit on the slug form perfectly. 

I love love love how the wires on his "face" feel like a gasmask, a torture device, a jacking in rig, a medical suction device, and and insect's proboscis all at the same time.  Is this thinking slug there by choice or by capture? - Tom


  1. Very interesting composition!!
    I love the worm/slug/maggot - and would be really interested to see how you would re-interpret this image as a painting -
    I can envision how doing these digital manipulations might give you new grounds for digging up ideas (and worms) ;)

  2. You're so right, Lydia. The digital stuff is already spurring on ideas for new approaches in my paintings. Thanks for your comments ;)
