Day: 01"Skull, WarmGlow"
Let the games begin! Well I've decided to embark on a little project to help me grow as an artist and explore some ideas and techniques in paint. I'm going to paint 99 Paintings in 99 Days for $99! and discuss each piece on my newly launched Deadspeak Blog. Today is Day 01!
Each 8x10 painting will be sold for $99 + shipping, and I'm also offering 8.5 x 11 prints for $9.99 on the
99 Paintings page on my website . You can go there to see a larger image of the painting and to purchase. It's going to be awesome when I get a whole bunch of them on there!
I’ll be exploring various subject matters, painting techniques and mediums. I'm also going to do some digital painting and photo montage. My goal is to grow as an artist, while pushing the boundaries of my own aesthetic and artistic expression. The painting sessions will be limited to 2 hours and will likely yield some works that are fully rendered, some studies, and some sketches in paint. I'm sure some will kick butt, and some will fall a little short, but that's what learning is all about.
I’m going to paint zombies and monsters and demons and babes and all kinds of creepy, grotesque, and arabesque stuff. Whatever strikes my fancy. I might even paint a cute bunny rabbit -- NOT!
Today's Painting: Skulls are amazingly fun to paint! They have a complexity that is unexpected and lots of nooks and crannies to explore. In this skull painting, I was focusing on a warm light and playing with warm and cool contrasts. It's also one of my main goals to paint looser and chunkier, so I was using bold strokes and trying not to render too much and still get the forms across. Hope you like it! - Tom
99 Paintings in 99 Days for $99 Project: Tom Baxa has challenged himself to do a painting a day for 99 consecutive days and post them on and his Deadspeak blog. Each 8x10 painting will be sold for $99, and prints for $9.99. Baxa will be exploring different subject matters and mediums, including digital, and experimenting with artistic expression.