Day: 26 "Bristly Boy":
This has to be the simplest painting I've ever done; that is, simplest in the limited use of strokes and minimal rendering to achieve form. The board was toned blue-green and I used a frayed, stiff, ox hair round to paint in a scratchy manner to work in some lights. The brush was big, but I fought my desire to grab smaller brushes for the detail work. I just adjusted the angle and pressure of the brush, and the amount of paint on the bristles to control it for smaller areas like the eyeballs and nose and lip highlights. Again, despite it coming together in the small jpg, the loose approach in the application of the paint is another first for me. At the end, I dripped some solvent for more mood. I love the drip around his occular cavity. - Tom
Indeed, very good piece! I think the drip was quite a successful addition. :)