Wednesday, December 8, 2010

99 Paintings: DAY 03

Day: 03 "DripFace":
In my continual effort to loosen up, I worked hard to not overwork this piece.  I worked quickly, dragged dry paint and dripped solvent and thinned paint so that it would run over the image and bring unexpected results.  Some of the subtleties of the drips don't show up much on the jpeg, but I like some of the things that came out. 

Sometimes color alone can be used to bring context to a piece.  I used red paint (along with the dripping effect), to allude to blood without actually painting a bloody mouth.

Side note: I sold the first of the 99 Paintings last night - Day 01:Sold!

99 Paintings in 99 Days for $99 Project:  Tom Baxa has challenged himself to do a painting a day for 99 consecutive days and post them on and his Deadspeak blog.  Each 8x10 painting will be sold for $99, and prints for $9.99.  Baxa will be exploring different subject matters and mediums, including digital, and experimenting with artistic expression.

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